D&D Laboratory Sdn Bhd is founded by a group of chemists with experience in chemical and environmental control testing.


Home  /  Products  /  Lab Equipment, Muffle Furnace  /  Muffle Furnace

Muffle Furnace

Ideal for:
ash-determinations, enameling, fusions, precipitate drying


user‘s self-compensation function for temperature (±50.0°C)
resolution: 1°C, 1 min
ceramic fibre plate included
powder-coated steel body, ceramic fibre insulation, ceramic fibre exposed heating wire interior with 4-sided heating
backlight LCD display
CE certified and unique serial number for tracing

Safety mechanism:

safety switch for door opening
overheat and over-current protection
sensor error detection


Jog-Dial controller (PID) with 2-way knob (turn + push), digital LCD with backlight, and two durable setting buttons
programmable: 4 patterns with 10 segments